Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brown Rice 玄米 (Genmai) - Macrobiotique Diet

We eat every day and food that we eat is very important for our body. I read about macrobiotic diet and cooking book.

Macrobiotic diet is recently known in Japan. A Japanese philosopher recommended macrobiotic diet and it become well-known around the world now. Brown rice (玄米)or millet (雑穀) become recently popular among especially Japanese women. One of reason is loosing weight, however, another reason is health.

Traditional Japanese food is originally very healthy. Brown rice is one of these foods. When we eat brown rice, it is organic and chewing well is very important for assimilation.
Brown rice tea 玄米茶 (Genmai cha) is good for health. It is aromatic and one of my favorite tea.

I cooked genmai dumpling reading macrobiotic cooking book yesterday. It substitutes ground brown rice and tofu for meat. Genmai risotto with porcini that I cooked few weeks ago was so delicious !

One of triggers that I am interested in healthy foods is my disease and of my parents. I feel daily food that I eat form my body afresh. I will cook delicious and healthy food.


Walter said...

It's been 2 weeks since you posted this. How is your macrobiotic diet holding up ?
I have personally always preferred brown rice to white, because it contains more vitamins and minerals.
But I have to admit I prefer white short grained Japanese rice these days, because it has much more flavor than the long grained white rice we are used to in Europe.It zlo smells heavenly :)
Because it's a lot stickier you need it for onigiri and sushi.
I have always preferred multi-grained brown bread versus white ( I bake my own bread) because it's tastier and more wholesome.
We have had 'brown' pasta ( made with full flour instead of white ) for many years now so I prefer that.Much more tasty !
I always was under the impression that Japanese people prefer white bread ( and certainly white rice). Is that still so for the majority or are preferences changing nowadays in Japan?

Ricky said...

I think almost Japanese prefer white bread or rice and eat them.
White rices are mainly sold at normal supermarket.
However,people who take care of health increase now. Genmai is one of trends for these people.

We have a great pride for Japanese rice. I think taste or quality are better than other Asian countries'one.
There are a lot of kinds of rices.
Koshihikari, Sasanishiki, Akitakomachi, Hitomebore....
Anyway, we love Japanese white rice.